1 package of red ball point pens

Elmer’s glue

*#2 pencils, eraser (supply additional pencils when needed)

2 strong pouches for holding pencils, etc. (no boxes)

*Small scissors (sharp with pointed edges)

Box of 64 crayons

Watercolor paints (set of 8)

Set of thin line markers

*3 Glue sticks

12” ruler

small pocket calculator

2 flat folders with pockets (No trapper keepers or binders with rings)

*Wide lined looseleaf notebook paper (to be refilled when needed)

1 assignment notebook

3 boxes of kleenex

3 rolls of paper towels

$5.00 in an envelope marked “Time For Kids”

For Computer Class – 1 usb flashdrive

For Gym Class 1 wide rule notebook

Please label all supplies with Child’s name.

*Very important to have these supplies refilled as needed.
