3 dozen #2 pencils (Please sharpen pencils before sending them to school)

6 large Elmer’s glue sticks

1 pair metal scissors (Fiskars)

5 pocket folders

2 8-1/2 x 11 wire bound spiral notebooks (wide ruled)

1 8-1/2 x 11 fabric zipper pencil case (no plastic)

1 large plastic “Space Case” school box

1 container crayola washable watercolor paints

2 boxes of 24 count Crayola classic color crayons (do not take crayons out of the box)

2 boxes of 8 count classic color washable broadline markers (do not take out of the box)

1 Elmer’s white school glue (7 or 8 ounces)

1 package baby wipes

1 package Ziploc bags - girls-quart boys-gallon

1 roll paper towels

1 box Kleenex

2 erasers

1 back pack or school bag

$4.50 to pay for “Weekly Reader”. Please send cash only in an envelope with child's name.

Rev. 5-13

Please label ALL supplies with your child's name and 2-7 in permanent marker. Some supplies may need to be replenished later in the school year. Also, it is a good idea to label ALL clothing. Thanks for your cooperation.